

       Ferndene was recently awarded an Ofsted "Good" rating!

Ferndene Children's Home

Ferndene is a small two bedded home catering for young people who have experienced abuse within the family home, ineffective parenting or neglect and subsequently display negative and unsafe behaviours.

The home provides a warm, caring and nurturing environment providing a safe secure base for children and young people to build strong relationships and learn to make positive choices about their behaviours assisted and supported by well trained, experienced and qualified staff.

Specialising in both medium and long term placements we are able to provide a positive alternative to foster care for young people who are unwilling or unable to cope with the pressures associated with ‘family based’ care. Working closely with young people, their families and a variety of external agencies aimed at reintegrating them back to their family/foster placement or support their transition into independence.

Ferndene is able to prevent the cycle of multiple placement breakdowns that can arise without early intervention and intensive support.

Ferndene specialises in re-introducing education to our young people who may have experienced big gaps in their education and have created blocks in their development. Utilising a combination of one to one staff support, therapeutic interventions and our positive relationships with local education provision, we successfully support and enable our young people to re-access and re-invest in their education.

We compliment our care with in-house art and music therapy which is person centred and further embedded into our provision of care.

Ferndene provides consistent and predictable boundaries and age appropriate routines which are consistent with the framework of positive parenting and support their families/ foster carers to maintain this structure upon transitioning to their care.

Ferndene provides placements for vulnerable young people who may be considered at risk in a larger Children’s Homes.

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